Hardware Finishes

There are many elements to every bathroom design, one of the most important is a cohesive look throughout. That is why Superior Shower Doors offers a multitude of finishes for all of our hardware. Each finish offers a different feel to the room. Certain hardware may look modern and contemporary, and with a different finish, more classic and simple. We want our customers to know that with our extensive line of products, there is no look that we can not achieve. Below you will find just a sampling of some of the hardware finishes available for your project. For a comprehensive look at all the finishes available for specific hardware please visit Superior Shower Doors.

*Note: Some finishes are not available for all hardware selections, please visit Superior Shower Doors to see what finishes are available on specific hardware. These images are to show an approximate representation of the final finish/color. Our courteous staff will help you make a selection of hardware and finish to produce a beautiful and cohesive final product.



Antique Bronze


Antique Brushed Nickel


Bright Anodized


Brushed Stainless




Polished Copper

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